Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Extraordinary Fathers Too

Interesting that you should listen to the show with Alan Poole. I also tuned in.

Two interesting results from his study were that these extraordibnary fathers are self-aware and self-regulating. He stumbled on a third conclusion after completing his work that they were forgiving both of themselves and of others.

Since spending time over the past ten years at Island Parent and on the radio (and in other conversations with parenting experts like Allison), I have been living and breathing parenting issues on a daily basis. I would concur (although not considering myself an extraordinary father) that self-awareness and a growing awareness of the developmental attributes of children that I have become a better father. Increased self-regulation simply means that these men are in more control of their behaviour and actions.

One positive note is that we are not looking for perfection here but being a little better each day. If we make a mistake and ‘lose it’, we should not feel guilty but learn from the experience make some apologies, understand where we're coming from (being more aware) and simply move on.

Alan also mentioned that these fathers are more resilient. They can accept the ups and downs more easily and learn from them.

It was a fascinating conversation and although the focus was on fathers it translates to many of our relationships.

For those of you who are interested, this Island Parent Radio show will air again on Sunday February 11th at 9 am (PST) on Village 900 AM (


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