Thursday, May 24, 2007

Give yourself a break

Don't actually know why this popped into my head. As a family we are in a good space, things are going well. I guess I often hear that parents are taking themselves too seriously and not letting go.

Often we, as parents, beat ourselves up over actions we've taken that we regret. You know the times-yelling at our children in a fit of anger, grounding our teen in the heat of the moment and other situations we'd like to forget.

If these happen on a regular or frequent basis then we maybe need to seek some help. Whether it's talking to a friend or family member to get some ideas or even to meet with a professional to discuss strategies for avoiding such actions.

However, often, these are actions are infrequent and need us to move on and not dwell on the situation. In most cases, they will not harm our children irreparably. But we dwell on it and "beat ourselves up" over it.

After apologizing and perhaps making amends in some way, we need to move on.

Here's a thought that I'd like to share from Mother Teresa:

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.

Fresh starts! Give yourself a break and your child a hug! Have a good day.


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