Thursday, April 5, 2007

A Dad's Thoughts on Gratitude

I love listening to other dad's and what they are thinking about their kids and their relationships. This month in Island Parent, our Dadspeak columnist is Alan Poole. I have known Alan for a few years now, partly through Island Parent Radio as a guest and partly through his position at Camosun College where he deals with the Sports Events and Athletes (my son being one).

This month Alan writes about two fathers and their perspectives on fatherhood. Then he goes on to say that the difference between the two can be attributed to their outlook on learning and being open. Finally he asks the reader to reflect daily on 5 things that they are grateful about for a month and then reflect on it. There's a challenge for us all. (Alan doesn't restrict the thoughts to family or relationships but whatever you feel grateful about.)

Well here goes but I am going to reflect on things related to family relationships.

1) I am grateful that our son bought a Wii recently (an interactive nintendo game) and it is in the family room. Not something I'd be grateful about but it has over the past week brought us together as a family in playing some fun interactive games. By being together we can also share thoughts about our day etc.

2) My two children are presently exploring ideas about next year and what they may be doing with their lives. With our daughter the ideas change almost daily while our son has come to a conclusion that he needs to move on to another city for University. I am grateful that they are feeling that they need to experience some new challenges in their lives and sharing their thoughts with us.

3) Island Parent has truly brought me into contact with many wonderful people. I am grateful for the people I work with but also the people I deal with on a regular basis—readers, advertisers, business associates. I enjoy my work day and it is really because of the contact I have with some great people.

4) I am grateful for the support of my wife over the years. Without that support and openness to new directions, we would not be where we are. Too often we are held back by the “what if's” of life. I certainly would be still in school administration and not enjoying my second, third or fourth career.

5) I am grateful for the opportunities that I have been presented with over the years and the support of many in the path I have chosen. It is fun to think of what would have happened if one had taken a different path not with regret but with the curiousity of the unknown destination. Reminds me of Robert Frost's poem “The Road Not Taken”.


At April 5, 2007 at 12:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your Blog regularly with interest, although I am over in the UK. Parenting is the same! Often in the day-to-day routine we can get swept away in just getting through the day, and your Blog is a great reflective read.


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