Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The importance of listening

"Are you listening or waiting to speak?"

There is a profound difference between the two and often I catch myself doing the latter instead of the former.

As parents if we stepped back and truly listened we would actually find out more about our children and their thoughts than by asking questions. So often our questions are answered with one syllable words or grunts or if the replies are truly in sentence form, we jump in with comments or more questions.

Sometimes we need to just stop talking and listen.

Silence can be a golden opportunity that might be filled by a child's or teen's voice about what is important to them.

Try listening and hold off on the speaking.


At October 29, 2008 at 9:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something else to think about. The average parent only "talks" to their child 3 MINUTES A DAY.(I mean a real conversation, not just telling them what to do) Don't believe me... think about your day. How much time did you invest in real conversation. Asking them to make their bed or calling them for supper doesn't count. Get to know your children...TALK WITH your child, Ask them about their day and really listen. Their world will be better because of it.


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