Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thinking and acting ethically

I had the opportunity to do an hour long radio interview with Barbara Coloroso—internationally recognized parent educator, speaker and author—which we will air on Island Parent Radio in January. (We'll publish the dates on the website and in Island Parent.)

Our whole discussion—based on her book "Just because it's not wrong doesn't make it right."—centred on teaching children how to think and act ethically.

Barbara talks about how the teaching our children to think and act in ethical ways is comprised of three parts. First is to provide them with ways and ideas to care deeply, share generously and help willingly. Secondly, we need to "curb their inclination to hoard and harm." And finally, stop hatred or ways that inspire hatred.

We spoke of the importance of parents in modelling behaviours and mentoring our children. We have to show them the way by demonstrating compassion and loving kindness. One thing that I found both in the book and within our discussion is the idea our worldview matters and it is what inspires our children to act ethically and to think ethically.

Babara spoke at length about rules and how they don't always teach us or inspire us to act or think ethically. This leads to a thought I'd like to leave you with quoted from page 101 of her book:

"Neither a rigid moral absolutism (Because I said so...) nor shifting moral relativism (As long as I don't get caught...) will teach our children how to care deeply, share generously, or help willingly. Neither do they provide the groundwork necessary to develop communities that will support, not destroy, that which nurtures children's innate ability to care."


At October 20, 2007 at 10:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Paul,

I tried emailing you at the your village900 account but it bounced back. I would love to have you critique our award winning children's book series that highlight a rhyming travelers journey to exposing her readers to new cultures and experiences.

If interested, please feel free to visit My email is

Thanks in advance.


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