Monday, September 24, 2007

Haikus and parenting

I was looking over some of the books that come into our office for review purposes. It's amazing what people write about. The titles that promise the book will solve all of life's problems—well if not all of them at least those that we need to solve.

Here's one that won't solve any major problems but certainly it helps to reflect on parenting in small and playful doses. "Haiku Mama" by Kari Anne Roy has a subtitle (because 17 syllables is all you have time to read). It is very clever and worth picking up for some quick and thoughtful observations/reflections on parenting with some very simple graphics.

Some that I related to immediately on scanning the book—with the substitution of "Dad" for "Mom"—were:

Same book twenty times:
comforting for the baby
not so much for mom.

Learning the "mom" look:
Squint eyes, frown mouth, point finger.
But try not to laugh.

Forty thousand pounds:
How much stuff one baby needs;
afternoon car trip.

Don't make baby's mouth
into an airplane hangar;
food will just fly out.

Got me thinking about trying some parenting Haiku. I'm not so clever.


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